The Monday Record

January 19, 1923 • 06:20:03 PM

Suffragists begin work of merging with women voters

International News ServiceFebruary 14, 1920

CHICAGO -- Suffrage workers gathered here for the Victory convention of the National American Women Suffrage association at today's session began the work of merging its membership into the new League of Women Voters, which it was decided will supersede the association. When the thirty-sixth state ratifies the Federal suffrage amendment, the association will pass out of existence.

According to the merger plans, auxiliaries of the association are to retrain their relationship with the board of directors to be elected at the convention but they will change their names, objects and constitutions to conform with those of the League of Women Voters. A plan for reorganization of the league was considered today.

As a beginner in scholastic instruction in the wielding of the ballot, the convention voted to establish a department and chair of politics at Bryn Mawr college. This will be a memorial to Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.